The IoTeX Testnet, SDKs & Dev Docs now Open to the Community!

IoTeX Team
6 min readDec 5, 2018

Hello IoTeX community! It has been an action-packed month for IoTeX — over the past few weeks, we open sourced our IoTeX Network Explorer and launched our fourth code release — Mainnet Preview (Photon). Today, we are excited to bring more exciting news and announce that the IoTeX Testnet is fully open to the community! Using our new software development kits (SDKs) and step-by-step developer documentation, anyone can easily start their own Testnet node, run transactions, deploy DApps, and much more. We can’t wait to see the great things you will build!

IoTeX Open Testnet — Phase I & II

Our Mainnet Alpha launch (scheduled for Q1 2019) will be the formal launch of the IoTeX Mainnet. To prepare for this major milestone, we are opening our Testnet to the public as the first stage of our gated launch process. The purpose of Open Testnet is to familiarize developers with the IoTeX platform and improve the operational aspects of our blockchain in preparation for our Mainnet launch. The Open Testnet consists of two phases:

Phase I (starting today): Community-operated Full Nodes

In the first Open Testnet phase, we will allow anyone to create a full node in the IoTeX testnet:

  • Setup and run a full node via a gateway
  • Generate transactions (i.e., transfers, smart contract executions, votes)
  • Build DApps on the IoTeX Network
  • Monitor blockchain activity and explore the network

Phase II (starting Jan 2019): Community-operated Full Nodes and Block Producers

Starting in Jan 2019, we will enable block producers to produce and verify blocks on the IoTeX Testnet. During this time, we will also disclose block producer (i.e., supernode) and staking requirements, as well as introduce the first group of block producer candidates. After Mainnet Alpha is launched, we will incrementally add more block producers and scale the network throughout 2019 to ensure the stability and security of the network.

How To Participate In Open Testnet Phase I?

Phase I of the IoTeX Open Testnet is now fully accessible to community and developers! Following our developer documentation, you can get a full Testnet node up and running in no time — here is a walkthrough of how to get started:

1. Set up a full node

Our complete software is packaged in the form of a docker image. We also provide a config file for your convenience to setup and deployment. With just a few easy steps, you can setup and run a full node in your preferred environment.

  • Install docker platform and download our docker image
  • Download the config file and configure network settings.

2. Run the full node with one simple command!

Once the correct network settings are properly configured, you can easily start a full node by executing one command line! The full node runs in a docker container and a service endpoint is exposed allowing users to monitor its status and interact with the blockchain.

3. “Explore” the full node

As many of you know, we have open-sourced the IoTeX Explorer, which allows users to access, monitor, and query data on the blockchain at the transaction and node level of granularity. Now you can set up and deploy your own full node Explorer by following the simple steps in our instructions! Every node will have its own wallet and, once it is setup, you can engage with the IoTeX network by sending transactions to other nodes / wallets.

Your own full node Explorer
Send transactions between your full node and IoTeX network

Software Development Kits (SDKs)

Software Development Kits (SDKs) provide extensive functionalities to help you start your own node, explore the IoTeX Testnet, and experience the power of blockchain. With our intuitive and powerful SDK, you can use your full node to generate transactions, build decentralized applications (DApps), and explore the IoTeX network first-hand.

Sample DApp

Shortly after our Testnet Beta release, we open sourced the code of our “Roll Dice” DApp, which allows users to request more EIOTX Testnet tokens. As the first ever IoTeX DApp, it utilizes recently integrated EVM / smart contracts and is a simple example of a DApp that can easily be deployed on IoTeX. For anyone looking to build their first DApp, you can use this as reference — check the full details here:

Developer Documentation

You can find in-depth details, terminologies, and guidelines that explain how the IoTeX blockchain works in our new developer documentation. Creating a node to interact with the IoTeX network has never been easier — if you want to experiment with token transfer, our “Transfer Token” section has all the information you need. How does a “Smart Contract” work on IoTeX network? We have that answer for you in this documentation as well.

As we release more features and developer bounty programs, this page will be updated with more exciting and in-depth content. So stay tuned!

Gitter Page

Last but not least, if you have any technical questions, want to know more about our project, or just want to say hello to our IoTeX Engineering team, you can visit our gitter page. We have resources waiting to answer your questions here:

Code Contributions — We Need Your Help!

Currently, our repo is still in development and is subjected to rapid change. Contributions to help IoTeX reach its full potential, including style/bug fixes, feature recommendations, proposals for schemes/algorithms, and help with documentation, are all welcomed and greatly appreciated. For code contributions, please refer to our Contribution Guidelines for more information. To report issues, please file an issue on our Github page.

We always want our community to experience the excitement that blockchain technology has brought to us. Opening our Testnet and releasing the first batch of SDKs / developer docs is an important milestone for IoTeX, and marks an important transition in our project. We look forward to onboarding and interacting with enthusiastic developers who will change the world with products build on IoTeX. In our upcoming bi-weekly AMA this Friday, 12/7/2018 at 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM PST, our co-founders and tech team will do a livestream AMA to share more about the Open Testnet. We look forward to meeting you there!

About IoTeX

IoTeX is the world’s first privacy-centric blockchain platform that is fast, flexible, and the Internet of Things (IoT) friendly. IoTeX’s global team is comprised of Ph.Ds in Cryptography, Distributed Systems, and Machine Learning, top-tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. Designed and optimized for IoT, IoTeX uses state-of-the-art privacy, consensus, and subchain innovations to capture the full potential of IoT. By enabling trusted data, interoperability, and M2M automation, IoTeX connects the physical and digital worlds and brings trusted machine economies to the masses.

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